Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Alliance
MSK, a world leader in cancer treatment and research, created the MSK Cancer Alliance to bring the latest advances in cancer care to community care settings such as Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN).
As of 2016, Lehigh Valley Topper Cancer Institute is one of only three cancer centers in the country participating in the MSK Cancer Alliance. Our membership brings additional expertise to your cancer treatments, offering better chances for recovery.
Lehigh Valley Topper Cancer Institute: Member of the MSK Cancer Alliance
Our membership in the MSK Cancer Alliance benefits you in many ways, including:
Leading-edge care
Disease management teams blend the expertise of the Cancer Institute and MSK, bringing you groundbreaking advances in cancer care. Working together, we incorporate cancer research findings into daily practice at a rapid rate. These efforts give you access to new care practices years ahead of when they might typically be available. Read more about cancer disease management teams.
Expanded access to clinical trials
You may be eligible for hundreds of additional clinical trials available through MSK, including early phase trials. These trials mean you may be among the first people in the country receiving a new treatment.
Additional expertise
We work alongside MSK experts to determine the most productive treatments – some of which may occur in Lehigh Valley only once a year. Teams from both organizations are in regular contact, so you receive effective care right from the start. If a patient’s case is such that it’s most appropriately managed at MSK, we have a fast track process to smooth access.
More about the MSK Cancer Alliance
Membership in the MSK Cancer Alliance is exclusive and brings groundbreaking cancer care to community settings such as ours. After a nationwide search, Lehigh Valley Topper Cancer Institute became the second member of the MSK Cancer Alliance.
MSK chose the Cancer Institute due to our dedication to delivering exceptional cancer care. We met more than 400 requirements and MSK spent hundreds of hours making sure our collective core values are aligned. These values include:
- Improving the quality of care and outcomes for cancer patients
- Providing patients with access to the newest cancer treatments through clinical trials
- Eliminating barriers to high-quality cancer care
- Promoting continuous clinical learning about the best ways to detect and treat cancer