Scranton, Pennsylvania, home of Delta Medix, part of Lehigh Valley Health Network

Providing world-class health care is more than the latest techniques and equipment. It’s everyone who cares for you along the way. At Lehigh Valley Health Network, we know people make the difference, people with local pride and family roots, people passionate about helping their neighbors. 

Primary care and specialty practices

Lehigh Valley Health Network now offers family medicine, internal medicine and pediatric care as well as general, bariatric and vascular surgery, urology, otolaryngology (head and neck surgery), radiology and radiation oncology group practices. Experienced, board-certified physicians use advanced treatments to manage all types of surgical and oncologic conditions.

Walk-In Primary Care

Walk in without an appointment when you need a primary care practitioner. 

LVPG - Family Medicine Dunmore

LVPG Family Medicine–Dunmore

1141 Clay Avenue
Dunmore, Pa.
(570) 330-5060

Learn more

267 Brooklyn Street Carbondale

LVPG Family and Internal Medicine–Carbondale

267 Brooklyn Street
Carbondale, Pa.
(570) 281-6670

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LVPG Family and Internal Medicine-Meade St.

LVPG Family and Internal Medicine–Meade Street

1000 Meade Street, Suite 102
Dunmore, Pa.
(570) 330-5088

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Get to Know Our Clinicians

Lehigh Valley Physician Group clinicians bring their expertise to LVHN in oncology, urology and more.

Stories from your neighborhood

Maureen Riggi

Thanks to two knee replacements, Scranton ballroom dancer Maureen Riggi never missed a beat.

Jonathon Symuleski

Treatment and recovery from an ACL injury confirmed Jonathon Symuleski’s passion for the medical field. He attends college at the University of Scranton, where he studies biochemistry with a premed track.

Fred Coslar

Fred Coslar tried to play golf through severe pain in his lower back for a couple of years, but he is ready to return to the golf course after spine surgery.

Erica Francis

Erica Francis, of Old Forge, Pa., met the challenge of breast cancer with a fighting spirit and the partnership of her surgeon, Dr. Krista Bott.