Clinical Trial: Cancer

ALTE03N1: Adverse Events Following Childhood Cancer (PRO00000920)

Full Name

ALTE03N1: Key Adverse Events Following Childhood Cancer



Approximately 6,900 children worldwide will take part in this study. Approximately 25% of those participants will have late-occurring complications. Approximately 75% will not have late-occurring complications and will be the control group. Those who agree to take part in the study will be asked to provide 8½ milliliters (about 2 teaspoons) of blood. Those who are unable or unwilling to provide a blood sample will be asked to provide a sample of their cheek cells, either by spitting saliva into a collection disc, or twirling a small brush on the inside of the cheek. The blood or cheek cell specimen will be sent to a central laboratory located at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis Tennessee. The blood will be studied to try to identify genes that might be associated with an increased risk of late-occurring complications. Neither the participant nor the study doctor will be informed of the results because the significance of the findings on individual specimens will not be known until the study is complete. In addition to providing a blood or cheek sample, participants will complete a questionnaire detailing their family history and health history. Additional health information will be obtained by reviewing the participant's medical chart. The information from the questionnaire and from the participant's medical chart will be sent to the coordinating center for this study (Children's Oncology Group (COG)). The information will be used to study how family, health and treatment might be related to a greater risk of later-occurring complications.



Inclusion Criteria

Must have had a primary cancer diagnosis at age 21 or younger

Must have developed one of following key adverse events at any time following the initiation of cancer therapy: cardiac dysfunction, ischemic stroke, subsequent malignant neoplasm, and avascular necrosis