Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing at Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) offers our students an excellent nursing education to prepare them to become licensed registered nurses. By offering our students a strong base of nursing education, they have the tools to excel in their careers. Our three-year dual enrollment program with Alvernia University offers our students an Associate Degree in Applied Health Sciences and a Diploma in Nursing. Our program prepares students for their careers by offering hands-on teaching through our clinical instruction at LVHN facilities.

Our instructors and leadership are dedicated to the success of our students and work to ensure that every student feels supported throughout their time at the School of Nursing.

NEW EVENING AND WEEKEND PROGRAM. We are now offering the flexibility you need in your nursing education with a new evening and weekend program. You can achieve your dream to become a registered nurse. New applications for Fall 2025 are now being accepted.

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Joseph F McCloskey School of Nursing

Dear current and prospective students, alumni and supporters of the Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing at LVHN.

This is truly and exciting time for not only the profession of nursing, but for our school as well. The School of Nursing has deep roots in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. The faculty and leadership at the school have been educating prospective nurses for more than 128 years. Though nursing education has changed, the fundamentals of educating and creating excellent practitioners remain the same. The leadership and faculty of the School of Nursing are dedicated to honoring the longstanding traditions of the school, while looking to the future and changing our course as the landscape of health care continually changes.

At Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing, we are committed to preparing our students to meet challenges by fostering their ability to think critically and develop solutions in a learning environment where they feel supported and valued. We believe that by creating this positive environment, we will enable our students to become nurses who uphold our commitment to further advance the health and wellness of the communities where we live.

Whether you are starting your journey to become a nursing professional, are an alumnus of our school, or are an ardent supporter of this important health profession, we value your partnership and look forward to sustaining and growing the impact of the School of Nursing.

Tina Van Buren, DNP, RN, CCNS
Jennifer .Jones-Lapp, DNP, MSN, RN, NEA_BC

Tina VanBuren

Jennifer Jones-Lapp

Take a virtual tour

Join Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing students on a live virtual tour of our campus. Learn how to apply to our program.
Michelle Siminitus, BS, Financial Aid Administrator/Admissions Coordinator
Get in touch
Michelle Siminitus, Admissions Coordinator/Financial Aid Administrator, can answer your questions about how to apply, cost of attending and receiving financial aid.
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Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing

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