Lehigh Valley Orthopedic Institute
The region’s leader in orthopedics turns setbacks into comebacks, one movement at a time.
Lehigh Valley Orthopedic Institute offers the only dedicated orthopedic surgical hospitals in the region and uses the most advanced technology to ensure that you get the best outcome possible. Here are some of the leading-edge techniques that we use:
We are the first health network in the region to use Mazor X Stealth Edition™ robotic guidance platform, which delivers improved accuracy and precision in back surgeries. This allows our surgeons enhanced 3D pre-surgery planning, increased visibility during surgery and reduced surgery time. It also results in less X-ray exposure for the patient.
Platelet-rich plasma therapy uses a patient’s own platelets to promote healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. Platelets are concentrated from a patient’s blood and then injected directly into their injured or diseased tissue. The platelets release growth factors that stimulate and increase the number of reparative cells your body produces.
Many of our procedures are done through a minimally invasive technique called arthroscopy. Arthroscopy allows the surgeon to see inside your joint by making only a small incision. Surgeons insert a narrow tube attached to a fiberoptic video camera that allows them to see inside your joint on a high-definition video monitor. Our surgeons use arthroscopy to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions affecting the knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle, hip and wrist.
Lehigh Valley Orthopedic Institute has robotic systems to assist in knee replacement surgery – VELYS™ Robotic-Assisted Solution from DePuy Synthes, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, Stryker’s Mako SmartRobotics™ System and ROSA® Knee System – at select hospitals across Lehigh Valley Health Network. The new robots give patients the most options in the region to receive minimally invasive robotic knee surgery, which results in less pain, less need for inpatient physical therapy, reduction in length of hospital stay and improved knee flexion and tissue protection, resulting in better outcomes and faster return to normal activity.
We’re the first in Pennsylvania to use a new operating-room navigation system that provides a radiation-free tool for placing spinal implants. Featuring 7D technology, it uses machine-vision cameras and advanced algorithms for image-guided surgery. For the first time, spine surgeons can guide their tools to the critical anatomy using sophisticated camera technology linked to a computer in the operating room. Increased precision and speed, and less radiation, mean less time the patient is under anesthesia, which can reduce recovery time.
Lehigh Valley Orthopedic Institute offers TenJet as a minimally invasive treatment option for chronic tendon pain caused by repetitive motion injuries. TenJet is performed in an outpatient setting and uses a steady, controlled stream of saline to remove diseased tendon tissue while sparing healthy tissue. The TenJet device can be used as an alternative to invasive surgery for the treatment of chronic tendinitis of the rotator cuff or biceps tendon in the shoulder, and tennis or golfer’s elbow. It also can be used to treat patella tendinitis (jumper’s knee) and plantar fasciitis. Most insurance providers cover Tenjet.