Elementary Programs

Weller Health Education provides elementary programs to grades kindergarten through fifth grade.

Program Delivery 

Weller’s school-based health education programs are approximately 45 minutes long and are presented in person to small or large groups. The option of virtual delivery is always available. 

Our Programs Online

Subscribe to Weller's YouTube Channel for fun and engaging health education content for students, parents and educators.

Program Offerings 2024-2025


Body Positivity
Body Positivity teaches students to appreciate and be confident in their bodies. Students will learn how to debunk the unrealistic standards of beauty and to build self-esteem. 


Brain Health
In Brain Health, students learn how the brain functions and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle as it relates to the brain. Topics of discussion include lifestyle factors that affect brain health, the impact of drugs and alcohol on the brain, and recommendations for increasing the brain’s longevity.   


Bully Busters
Bully Busters is an interactive anti-bullying presentation in which students learn how to recognize, prevent and respond to different forms of bullying.


Celebrate Differences 
Celebrate Differences teaches students about the importance of celebrating our differences and uniqueness. Students will learn about various cultures, the importance of being sensitive and inclusive toward others’ cultural practices, and why we should treat one another with respect and kindness.


Dental Education
The Dental Education program teaches students how to maintain good dental health. Topics of discussion include tooth anatomy, recognizing foods that contribute to poor dental health, and how to correctly brush and floss teeth.


Drugs and Your Body
This program is an introduction to how drugs affect the body. Students will learn about the different categories of legal drugs and illegal drugs. Topics of discussion include the health effects of smoking and vaping, the risks of sharing and misusing prescription drugs, and the stages of substance abuse.


Introduction to Mental Health: Understanding Your Feelings
This program teaches students how to identify sources of stress within their lives and how to cope with feelings of nervousness or sadness that that are often associated with stress. Students will develop a better understanding of anxiety and depression, and will learn strategies for safely dealing with stress.


Nutrition Education
Nutrition Education teaches students about the importance of eating healthy and staying active. Students will learn about the different food groups and types of nutrients, how to create a balanced meal, and what foods to avoid to stay healthy.


Online Safety
Online Safety teaches students how to maintain privacy and security while using the internet. Students will learn about the risks of disclosing personally identifiable information to strangers, cyberbullying, and how to responsibly use social media. 


Puberty and Reproductive Health
Our age-appropriate Puberty and Reproductive Health program teaches students about the various physical and emotional changes to expect during puberty. Topics of discussion include hygiene, menstruation, and an overview of the male and female reproductive systems. The stages of fetal development and childbirth will also be discussed. Students will not learn about sex.


Relationships 101: Communication & Conflict
Relationships 101 teaches students the key factors to maintaining healthy relationships, appropriate styles of communication, and how to resolve conflicts.  


Safe at Home
Safe at Home is a new interactive program where students will learn helpful tips to prevent injury by avoiding potential hazards within the home. Students will learn how to stay safe in places like the kitchen, when near tools or exercise equipment, and around any potential firearms within the home. 


Safe Touches (K-2)
The Safe Touches program is designed to teach children how to recognize, resist, and report sexual abuse. Two educators will use puppets to act out various scenarios in which a ‘safe’ or ‘unsafe’ touch has taken place. At the conclusion of the presentation, students will learn how to distinguish between the two types of touches and how to respond if they have been inappropriately touched.


Things That Aren’t Funny
Things That Aren't Funny is a program that discusses the harmful effects of inappropriate humor. Students will learn the implications and consequences of "joking" about sensitive topics such as sexual harassment, violent threats, and self-harm. 


Vaping 101
The Vaping 101 program is an introduction to vaping and the associated health risks. Students learn about the harmful short and long-term effects of vaping, including how vaping can impact academic and physical performance. The program concludes with students learning what to do in various situations where they might be offered drugs.