VitalChoice is designed to give you true choice in your personal health and wellness journey. Our beautiful fitness center and dedicated team will help you enjoy a healthy and strong future.

Enjoy benefits like:

  • Fitness Center discount (savings of $165 per year for an annual membership*) with exercise class offerings including yoga, group classes and more
  • If you are enrolled in a Silver Sneakers program through your insurance carrier, your Fitness Center membership is FREE
  • Complimentary personalized training session
  • Free annual wellness assessment
  • Free health screenings, such as balance, body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure
  • Walking groups

*Based on current annual membership fees

Join us

Life doesn’t stop when you turn 60. Instead it’s a new chapter in your life that presents countless opportunities to explore, learn and live each day to the fullest. Complete this form and receive these benefits as an exclusive member of VitalChoice.