Healthy You - Every Day

Strong Is Sexy: Why Strength Training Looks Good on You

The Healthiest You Podcast: Episode 19

The Healthiest You Podcast: Strong Is Sexy

Are you ready to get stronger and live longer? Strength training is just what you need to boost your confidence and age well.

A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that those who strength train one to two times a week and participate in aerobic physical activity have a lower risk of dying early. That’s right! People who include muscle-strengthening exercises in their fitness routine may potentially live longer, healthier lives.

Listen to the latest episode of the Healthiest You podcast where Mike and Steph from B104 discuss strength training with Brielle Weida, Manager of Fitness Programming at LVHN Fitness and exercise physiologist. What strength training exercises can I do at home? Is there home strength training equipment I should buy? We answer these questions and more on the Healthiest You podcast this month.

About the podcast

The Healthiest You podcast is hosted by familiar voices – Mike and Steph from B104. In each episode they will interview doctors and experts across Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) to learn practical health tips for everyday life – to empower you to be the healthiest you.


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