In 2020, thousands of people in our region needed a health care partner. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these people found something more at Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN). They found heroes. 

During a time of uncertainty, LVHN’s nearly 20,000 health care heroes are on your side. They are saving the day by delivering quality, safe care and giving you convenient access to the world-class care you need, expect and deserve.

Watch LVHN’s 2020 Community Annual Meeting which includes presentations from John Stanley, Esq., Chairman, LVHN Board of Trustees; Patricia Martin, MD, President, LVHN Medical Staff; and Brian Nester, DO, MBA, FACOEP, President and Chief Executive Officer, LVHN.

2020 Report to the Community

2020 was anything but a typical year. COVID-19 changed everything. Through it all, Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) is leading our community through this pandemic thanks to a dedicated team of health care professionals, strong partnerships and sound leadership.

You cannot look back on 2020 without first recognizing the exceptional work of LVHN’s front-line caregivers, as well as the health care professionals who support them. They are more than partners. They are heroes. To the entire LVHN team, we offer our deepest thanks for your commitment and courage during these trying times.

At LVHN, we believe in the power of partnerships. In 2020, the LVHN team partnered with one another like never before to deliver the safe care you need. LVHN formed and fostered partnerships with other organizations to make world-class care more accessible to you.

We also asked you to do your part to help stop this virus from spreading. Thank you for doing everything you can to keep yourself and others safe.

When faced with the challenges of a health crisis, sound leadership is critical. You have just that at LVHN. It starts with the experience and insight the members of LVHN’s Board of Trustees bring to the table. We thank them for volunteering their time and talents to help make our communities healthier. Equally, LVHN has a strong executive leadership team, and a deep pool of clinical and administrative leaders across the organization. Their experience and expertise help us further LVHN’s mission to “heal, comfort and care for the people of our community.” 

During this crisis, we learned that we are all partners to one another. We ask for your continued partnership. Take seriously your responsibility to one another. Do your part. Wear a mask. Practice social distancing. Wash your hands. And stay home when you’re sick. If we all continue to do these things, each day we will move one step closer to winning the fight against COVID-19.

Make no mistake. We will win this fight. And when we do, we will all be heroes.

John D. Stanley, Esq.
Chairman, Board of Trustees

Brian A. Nester, DO, MBA, FACOEP
President and Chief Executive Officer


By the numbers

Operating income: $84 million
Operating margin: 2.7% 
Total Community Benefit:
Acute admissions: 71,467
Outpatient registrations: 1,206,920
ER visits: 257,068
ExpressCARE visits: 225,954
LVPG visits: 3,114,940


LVHN Leadership 2020

Combined Financial Statements

Community Benefit Report 2020